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Portico Developer Guide
Gift Card Response Codes
Appendices > Gift Card Response Codes

Response Code Description
0 OK—Transaction successful.
1 System error—Transaction unsuccessful because of an internal system error. Retry transaction. If the error persists, contact Heartland support.
2 System unavailable—Gift card system is temporarily unavailable. Retry transaction.
3 Invalid card—Transaction unsuccessful because the card is not a valid gift card.
4 Deactivated card—Transaction unsuccessful because the gift card is deactivated.

Insufficient funds—GiftCardSale transaction unsuccessful because the gift card did not have a sufficient balance to complete the sale.

This error code is not returned if split-tender processing is enabled.
6 Card already active—GiftCardActivate transaction unsuccessful because the gift card is already active.
7 Duplicate transaction—Transaction unsuccessful because a transaction with identical parameters was completed less than 3 minutes ago.
8 Inactive card—Transaction unsuccessful because the gift card is not active.
9 Invalid amount—Transaction unsuccessful because an invalid amount was specified.
10 Cannot void.
11 Unknown error.
12 Do not honor.
13 Partial approval.